Celebrating 58 Years
Under Fire
This work is developed and choreographed by Kim Grier-Martinez, artistic director after the incident of an oil spill caused by April 2010 deadly explosion on a British Petroleum (BP) oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion took the lives of 11 workers and critically injured four more. Eventually effecting all of our lives throughout the country. Depending on our natural resources, we selfishly need more; yet still putting our lives and the environment in danger.
"Under Fire" is divided into four segments as "Stages" as one incident trickles down to another sufferings. The First stage is performed by the company to music by Lorenna McKennit. The Second stage is a duet to music by Break of Reality. The dynamic energy against each other in the duet leads to solitude of a solo in the Third stage performed to music by Yiruma. As the dance settles, it ends with the company under images of fire.